P90X – Round 2, Day 47!

Keeping the weights going!

P90X – Shoulders and Arms
P90X – Ab Ripper X
Total Time = 81 Minutes

Yesterday, I ended up without an official workout.  However, yesterday was definitely far from a rest day.  I acted in a short film called “Tuning in Tuning Out” and we shot at our studio to the tune of a 16 hour day!  It was an amazing, but very long day.  We certainly worked hard and I’m looking forward to seeing the finished product.  Check it out here:  https://www.facebook.com/TuningInTuningOut

After winding down from the shoot and getting to bed around 3:30am, there was no chance for an early morning today.  However, I still got up early enough and got to my workout before noon.  We had some time pressing errands to run, therefore I am just blogging now.  Yesterday’s workout was supposed to be Plyometrics.  However, instead of pushing that and doing Plyo today, I just continued on with the weights and hit the Shoulders, Arms, and Abs workout.  I need more of that anyway… I’m losing too much weight! lol

So I dug in deep today and pushed it hard!  My Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, and Abs all got quite a workout.  I used the stretch band at maximum resistance for most of the sets.  I went to fatigue each time and really got a good pump.  I feel like I need to continue to do more weights.  I will of course still see the P90X program through til the end, but since I am on round 2 and already doing some modifications, I will continue that way and work in more weight workouts.   My body is asking for it and I must oblige.

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend.  I am total spent but very happy and blessed for the weekend I have had.  Tomorrow morning is an early start to what is going to be a very busy week.  I will be working out of course, but the times will be all over the place.  Stay tuned!

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